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Friday 22 Mars 2024 --How many days left ??? Chatgpt is having an attitude this days !!! Pissed off at the robot !!

Before starting a post ,I ask Chatgpt my countdown ….well …Chatgpt is really having an attitude today ! Giving me very confusing answer .

I’m second guessing the “expert” here ….I don´t know if that happened to you before but I got annoy by all the bla bla …and wanted to share this very real mini frustration …(Lol)

Me :I was born 11 june 1973,how many days I have left until 105 years old ?

Chatgpt:To find out how many days you have left until you turn 105 years,we need first to calculate how many days you´ve already lived.Then we substract from the total number of days in 105 years.Let´s do the math.



sure,let´s break it down :

first we find out how many days have passed since your birth on june 11,1973,until today .

then we calculate the total number of days in 105 years.

finally we subtract the number of days you´re already lived from the total to find out how many days you have left until you turn 105.

lets proceed with the calculations.

Me: Well,give me the answer!


Sure,let´s calculate:

From june 11,1973 to march 22 ,2024 ,there are 18,402 days.

In 105 years,there are 105 times 365 =38,325 days .

Now substract the days you´ve lived from the total days in 105 years :38,325 -18,402=19,923 days left until you turn 105 .

Me :Why do you complicate !! just give a simple minimalism moi answer !!

Chapgt : Got it .You have 80 years between now and your 105 th birthday .Since each year tipically has 365 days ,you have 80 times 365= 29,200 days until you turn 105 .

Me : I´m 50 !!! (getting very confuse here …where in the world did he come up with 80 years thing ???)

Chagpt :great ! so,you have 55 years until you turn 105.Since each year usually has 365 days,you have 20,075 days left .

Me : Are you sure now ?


:Apologies for the oversight.Let me correct that.You are currently 50 years and you want to know how many days until you turn 105 .That is 20,075 days left .

Me: you could have told me straight away instead of going in theories and explanation that confuses me even more. I don´t have a mathematical brain !!

Now I waisted one hour just to ask this countdown and totally lost my purpose to post something today ..chatgpt has pissed me off and I will writte tomorrow as my time is over now.

Anybody ever get pissed of at this robot ? I must be nut ….

O´well….it is what it is …Sometimes things make no sense like this post .

Cheers from Minimalism Moi mood.



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